Thursday, August 6, 2009

back and forth

Looking back on my blogs, I'm so moody. Maybe I need some therapy or something...o_O. We all have our own ups and downs...right?

Anyways, I can't believe school is starting just a few weeks. Wow, and with school, time flies by so thing you know, it'll be 2010...which is really scary I tell you. I'm already getting freaked by the fact that it's going to be winter time soon. Ahhh, we're all growing up! I'm growing up! Oh my, I'm kind of, really, extremely scared but at the same time, I'm excited to see where life [or God] is going to lead me to next.

This summer has flown by so quickly. I guess for pretty much the whole middle of summer, I've been busy with church but it was good. First, missions to Dominican Republic with the youth group, then helping out at church for VBS, and then finishing it up with a whole month of teaching at my church's summer day camp. This summer was definitely one that was well spent. Working with kids is something I truly enjoy and I got to do that all summer. How exciting! :]

School is something that I'm not necessarily looking forward to but I"m glad that it's finally coming. I don't know, maybe this year, I'll get back on track. I don't know what it was previous years, my enjoyment in studying just kind of...dropped. Hopefully this year, with lots of prayer and dedication, studying will be something I'll enjoy more and more. Don't get me wrong, I've always enjoyed studying but I guess previous years, something was just...lacking? Bleh, I don't know.

I'm nervous and excited about this new school year as I've stated before. Maybe God has something special planned out for me...I'm getting the heeby-jeebies haha. Actually, that probably is no indication whatsoever about what God has planned out for me or whether or not He even has anything planned out for me. I'm just probably being a nervous wreck. Heh. Anyways, until next time then [which will hopefully be very soon]!