Thursday, December 10, 2009

i remember...

I meant to blog about this a little while back but I never got the chance too because these past few weeks have been a little crazy for me. So I had this weird but very vivid dream that my family, my friends from school, and I were at a friend's place in New Jersey. We were there for some family/friends holiday get together and after the festivities, as we were leaving, I suddenly had to run to the bathroom [very random, I know]. Well, when I got to the bathroom, I looked outside the window and suddenly saw this very pretty and very long [and when I say long, it seriously seemed like it stretched forever] skyline. I don't know of what city it was, it looked like New York City but the size of it seemed to big to be New York City. The image was just filled with buildings, big ones, small ones, fat & short ones...almost seemed like it was squished. I don't even know what the purpose of me telling this dream of mine was...I also remember so vibrantly the skyline and the sunset...the sun was setting...and there were lots of pretty oranges and purples and reds. Oh, and it was light mistyish-foggy. J'en sais pas, c'était tout très beau.

This is NYC. Sunset-wise it was like this but buildings and mistiness-wise, it was like this...

Actually, it was all more like's just...this one [São Paulo, Brasil] doesn't have the sunset. I love cities. <3

On a side note, I've realized that these feelings for this "boy" is not going to go least, not anytime soon. I was going to try and push it away because there's no hope for me right now continually "liking" him but then the harder I tried to push it away, the more and more I found myself taking interest. So, point didn't work. Now I gotta do what I hate doing most: waiting...and hoping that something will happen...soon. Heh.

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