Wednesday, January 14, 2009

no more just saying, i'm going to make it happen

I've decided to make a New Year's resolutions list, however realistic or unrealistic they may be or sound, just as a reminder to myself of what goals I should be working towards. So here it is:
1. Pray, pray, pray! - I realized that prayer is something I should never be lacking in and the more I pray, the more I realize that I have more things to pray about. A prayerful life, I believe, leads to a more peaceful and humble life.
2. Work like crazyyy - I also realized that no work = no money and I am definitely in need of some of that cash. So much of what I want to do depends on how much I have, so this semester and I guess even just this whole year, I'm going to save and save and save so I can finally do what I've been always wanting to do. Which leads me to my third point...
3. TRAVEL - Now that I'm not tied down to anything really, I so would like to travel. It's something that I've always wanted to do but because of barriers like money, I've just never been able to do it. I've already made a list of places I would like to go and they're not in any particular order but I shall share a few:
a. Korea
b. Brazil
c. France
d. Egypt
e. Japan
f. Italy
g. As well as the States other than PA
4. Spend more time with the family - I think I've only begun to realize and grasp the importance of a close and strongly knit family. I've been stubborn and would push off any family time that came across for me. I come to realize the scary thought that I'm never going to know when everyone's going to "leave" [if you know what I mean] so I have to cherish the time we have with each other now before it's too late.
5) Plan and actually do a road trip with friends - Going along with my passion to travel, I would really love to go on a road trip. I think it'd be exciting no? :)
6) Get a new phone - The one I'm currently looking at is the Blackberry Curve. My ghetto phone has been good to me the past two years, but I think my phone needs to be pimped up and changed too.

There's still a lot more I would very much like to do but I think this is quite a handful for just one year. I shall update more on this list later. :)

"During my stressin', I'm blinded to the lessons that could be a blessin'
If I'd be confessin'
That the enemy I'm trying to beat...
...Is hiding inside me

But it's ok now
What are you worrin' about?
Got my dreams, got my life, got my love
Got my friends, got the sunshine above
Why'm I making this so hard on myself?
When there's so many beautiful reasons I have to be happy"
Happy - Natasha Bedingfield
thanks buddy :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

travelers at heart :)

soulmate <3