Thursday, February 12, 2009

on politics

So this is about the only time you'll ever hear me talk anything about politics because I'm am so not a politics girl. However, in regards to the new Stimulus Bill, I am not too happy about the cut back on money for education. What does that cut back mean for me? Well coming from a family that has to work its ass off just get by, I am one who is definitely in favor of having more money for education. Especially now that I'm thinking about going out of state for school, loans are going to be a huge part of my financial aid for education and if the Stimulus Bill, which probably might be signed and passed on very soon, is stating that there's going to be a huge cut back on that...dear Lord, I honestly don't know what I'm going to do. I honestly just hope and pray that President Obama, if this bill is passed, will be able to get us out of this economic mess.

You know what also gets me extremely mad/annoyed? [Actually the more and more I think about it, the more and more I get mad.] That small percentage of ridiculously rich people, and when I say ridiculous, I mean extremely and ridiculously wealthy people that are not fucking spending their money like they should be. They honestly hold so much power in the economy and they're doing everything they can to save up as much money for themselves. Selfish idiots. Excuse my language but honestly, they have all the money they could ever want but because they see that this economy is starting to drop, they're going to cut back on spending and then it hits the middle class and poor folks hard because they HAVE nothing to spend but they're doing their most to keep up on their part. They need to start spending so that there's money flowing throughout the economy again. If they keep holding back and holding back, then the economy is just going to drop lower and lower, hitting families like mine harder. Inconsiderate bastards. As much as I want to make money and be successful, honestly when I see things like this, sometimes I just want to stay where I am.

Ya'll have all that money. You guys made that money to spend. So do us poor people a favor and start spending it like ya'll are making it, damn it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe, I liked this post. Hang in there, Sat.