Friday, November 27, 2009

God is telling me to wait

I don't know why I feel the need to post this up but I will.

In one of my previous posts, I was rambling on about the guy from Texas and how I think I should say something to him about keeping this relationship pure, blah, blah, blah...if you don't know what I'm talking about, you can go back and read it haha. It was called "things happen for a reason". Like I've said before, I've been praying about and waiting for an answer for this current situation/relationship I have with this guy [we're just friends right now] and it's weird because I feel like God answered my prayers through a book that I'm reading called "Passion and Purity" by Elizabeth Elliot. The book pretty much revolves around how to keep a pure dating relationship and it gives the ups and downs of trying to keep a healthy relationship through the eyes of Elizabeth Elliot [I'm just reading it for future reference]. In the book was a paragraph that stood out to me. This is what it said:

"Waiting silently is the hardest thing of all. I was dying to talk to Jim about Jim. But the things that we feel most deeply we ought to learn to be silent about, at least until we have talked them thoroughly over with God."

When it comes to reading God's "signs and answers", I feel like I'm kind of slow...but that one, was pretty obvious to me. It feels almost as if God said it himself. I don't know, I guess all I can do really now is just pray and wait on Him...fall "asleep" in His will as Elizabeth Elliot put it. *Sigh*

"Steadfastness, that is holding on;
patience, that is holding back;
expectancy, that is holding the face up;
obedience, that is holding one's self in readiness to go or do;
listening, that is holding quiet or still so as to hear."
- From S.D. Gordon's Quiet Talks On Prayer

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