Sunday, November 29, 2009

he is Yours

He is willing to share!!! My goodness, something I've been praying about and looking for in a guy...he wants to share everything that's happened to him, the things he sees changing, I don't seems like almost everything!!! And why, why, WHY, do I get so tongue-twisted when talking to him??? Nothing ever seems to come out the way I want to say it. NEVER. Even when it's something that I really want to share with him...every word seems to get jumbled up. I probably sound so stupid when I talk because I MAKE NO FREAKING SENSE. Even I think about what I said to him right after I say it and think of how stupid and very random and nonsensical that all sounded. WHAT THE HECK.

However...I know...that he is not mine and God, I know that you have great things planned for him and all I can do right now is pray for him and wait because right now, he is Yours...not mine. It's honestly driving me crazy...I feel though, as if he doesn't feel the same way about me like I do with him. It's probably just a one way thing...which in that case, makes me think that I should all just let this go and forget about it and save myself from future heartache.

God, this is consuming way too much of me. I'm giving it up to you because, well, there's nothing else I can do right now. I hope I'm not being to forward with myself with him.

He's so open and comfortable talking to come I'm not the same to him?...

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