Tuesday, December 9, 2008

my grown up christmas wish...list :)

People have been starting to ask me what I wanted for Christmas and as always is, I can never seem to find an answer either because I feel bad that they're asking me or I just don't know how to answer the question. So, I decided to post up some of the things that are on my Christmas wish list this year, starting with...:

1. Daisy by Marc Jacobs
2. Flannel PJ by Victoria's Secret Pink
3. Penn State sweater
4. Penn t-shirt
5. Nikon D90 or D300 [I can't choose between the two. Someone help me decide.]
6. Painting tools - not the kind where you paint your walls, but art canvases, paints, brushes - I really miss painting. :(
7. Anything green. I love the color green. It makes me so happy. :)
8. A nice pair of rain boots - I realized I didn't have proper shoes to wear when it rains so then, my other shoes end up getting ruined because of it. My dream rain boots and the ones I would probably end up getting.
9. A pair of nice timbs. I find it sad that a girl who's lived in Philly most of her life has not one pair of timbs. Oh boy.
10. A very nice Burberry bag. Will I ever be able to afford it and get it? Probably not. I'm just hoping that through some miracle, I'll get it one day.
11. Hope in a Jar at Sephora
12. Photoshop

I wasn't able to upload any photos because, well, I was having some technical difficulties. Instead, I linked each of them to a site where there was a picture of the item I wanted. That's pretty much it for now. I don't really know if I'll add anything more on to it. I forgot to mention that some of this stuff, no one is really going to be able to buy for me. I guess I just put it up there as a reminder of what I look forward to buying for myself in the future.

Moving on, I must get to class. I've been editing and reediting and reediting yet again this blog post because I thought of more and more stuff to put up on my list. It's probably going to change around a few times. I am so very, very, very tired. Reminder to self: go to sleep when brain is dead, study when it isn't.

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